AVUI m'agrada... l'obra del fotògraf francès Laurent Laveder 'Moon Games'.
What today I like most are 'Moon Games' from french photographer Laurent Lavnder.
In his ongoing series of photos titled 'Moon Games', French photographer Laurent Laveder
has subjects play with a rising moon, effectively tansforming it into a
balloon, a painting, and even a scoop of ice cream. The dreamlike
photos have been turned into a calendar and a book of poetry as well as a
few other objects. _En la seva sèrie de fotografies que Laurent Laveder titula Moon Games (jocs amb la lluna), se'l veu a ell mateix, i a d'altres personatges, interactuant amb la lluna, tranformant-la en una pilota, una pintura, o una bola de gelat.
src pixheaven
Have you ever 'asked for the moon'? _Recordeu allò de la lluna en un cove?
Nauttikaa! Gaudiu_Enjoy!
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