Kilpisjärvi (Finland) - Skibotn (incursion in Norway), 08-07-2015 _Kilpisjärvi (Finland) - Skibotn (incursió a Noruega), 07-08-2015.
Kilpisjärvi is a tiny arctic village located in northwestern Lapland, about 400 kilometers above Arctic Circle. It is surrounded by the highest peaks of Finland, including Mount Halti (1324 m) on the border of Finland and Norway. There are less than one hundred permanent residents in the village. Kilpisjärvi landscape is characterized by Saana, the sacred fell of Sami. In the horizon of Kilpisjärvi one can see snow covered fells of Sweden and Norway. The border marker of three Nordic nations is located just 15 kilometers from Kilpisjärvi village. We stayed two nights In Kilpisjärvi to walk the hiking trails to Saana and to Kolmen Valtakunnan Rajapyykki._ Kilpisjärvi és un petit poble àrtic situat al nord-oest de Lapònia, a uns 400 quilòmetres per sobre del Cercle Polar Àrtic. Està envoltat pels cims més alts de Finlàndia, incloent la muntanya Halti (1324 m), a la frontera de Finlàndia i Noruega. El poble té no més de cent residents permanents. El paisatge de Kilpisjärvi està marcat pel Saana, el pic sagrat dels Saami. A l'horitzó de Kilpisjärvi un pot veure la neu que cobreix els cims de Suècia i Noruega. El marcador de la frontera de tres països nòrdics es troba a només 15 quilòmetres a peu de Kilpisjärvi. A Kilpsijärvi ens hi vam quedar dues nits per poder fer les excursions al Saana i al Kolmen Valtakunnan Rajapyykki.
From here, on the border between Finland and Norway, the Norwegian fjords can be easily reached. Skibotn
(Yykeänperä, in Finnish) is a village
of approximately 700 inhabitants in the Municipality of Storfjord,
located on the southern shore of the Lyngen fjord in the county of Troms
in northern Norway. _Des d'aquí, a la frontera entre Finlàndia i Noruega, es pot arribar, ràpidament, als fiords noruecs. Skibotn
(Yykeänperä, en finès) és un
poble d'aproximadament 700 habitants situat a la riba meridional del fiord de Lyngen, al comtat de Noruega
septentrional de Troms.
The distance by road to Kilpisjärvi is only 50 km away. It is a very beautiful high road that runs through a fairy narrow valley, along a river and surrounded by mountains and waterfalls, to the fjord. _ Des de Kilpisjärvi a Skibotn hi ha només uns 50km. És una carretera elevada molt maca que discorre per una vall molt tancada, al costat d'un riu i envoltada de muntanyes plenes de salts d'aigua, fins a desembocar al fiord.
Nauttikaa! Enjoy_gaudiu!
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ResponEliminaWonderful travels and photos! I have also been from Kilpisjärvi to Skibotn, Norway. Just to see the sea :D It was in the eighties. I remember that the hotels in Finnish Lapland were very expensive and in a tiny restaurant the mashed potato and nakkimakkara cost 100 FIM..... So we didn't stay but a few days and drew home to Helsinki :D