dilluns, 29 de setembre del 2014

AVUI m'agrada...

AVUI m'agrada... el curt d'animació Dripped (degoteig), sobre Jackson Pollock, del director francès Léo Verrier.
What today I like most is the animated short 'Dripped' about on Jackson Pollock, by the French director Léo Verrier.

Paul Jackson Pollock (1912 – 1956) was an influential American painter and a major figure in the abstract expressionist movement, born from the pessimism triggered by war. He was well known for his unique style of drip painting. _Paul Jackson Pollock (1912 - 1956) fou un artista estatunidenc, referent en el moviment de l'expressionisme abstracte, corrent nascuda del pessimisme desencadenat per la guerra. Considerat un dels pintors més importants dels Estats Units al segle XX. 

Pollock distanced from figurative art and developed techniques such as dripping or splashing, consisting on throwing painture on the canvas or let it drip on this without using drawings or sketches. _Pollock es va distanciar de l'art figuratiu i va desenvolupar tècniques com l'splashing o el dripping, consistents a llançar pintura sobre la tela o deixar-la degotar damunt d'aquesta sense utilitzar dibuixos ni esbossos. 

Aboutn his short life, it is said that the only notable years were those who managed to control his alcoholism, the period from 1949 to 1950. Pollock died at the age of 44 in an alcohol-related, single-car accident; he was driving. _De la seva curta vida, es diu que els únics anys destacables van ser aquells que va assolir controlar el seu alcoholisme, és a dir, el període 1949-1950. La carrera de Pollock es va veure sobtadament interrompuda quan va morir en un accident de cotxe el 1956.

Autumn rhythm (src Jackson Pollock)

In a world tinged with sepia, in which men wear brown corduroy suits and plum velvet jackets, Pollock tries to find how he fits in with the greats in the galleries. The film has a dash of cops ’n’ robbers intrigue and superhero-esque feats – scaling buildings and bounding from roof to roof – as Pollock pilfers art in an attempt to discover his creative identity. In his drab apartment, frustrated by painting still lifes and full of the fodder of famous works, Pollock finally discovers his characteristic, colourful style. _Al curt hi veiem un Pollcok gris, frustrat, immers en una realitat apagada, pintant natura morta o imitant els treballs dels mestres. Cansat d'això, decideix sortir a la recerca de la seva veritable i única identitat creativa. I aquesta recerca, el director la presenta mitjançant una intriga de policies i lladres, persecucions i transformacions diverses, fins que de la manera menys pensada, Pollock finalment es "menja als clàssics" per descobrir el seu característic i colorit estil. (Amy Lewin, it's nice that)

Nauttikaa! Enjoy_Gaudiu!

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