AVUI m'agrada...en les campanyes publicitàries de Nadal que fa la cadena britànica de grans magatzems John Lewis. Última oportunitat per acomiadar-se del Nadal!
What I like today most are the UK department store chain John Lewis' annual holiday commercials! Last chance to say 'goodbye Christmas'!
What I like today most are the UK department store chain John Lewis' annual holiday commercials! Last chance to say 'goodbye Christmas'!
UK department store chain John Lewis are known for the high production value of their annual holiday commercial produced in partnership with Adam&Eve/DDB. _Produïts conjuntament amb l'agència de publicitat londinenca Adam&Eve/DDB, són d'una gran bellesa estètica, i de molt cuidada sensibilitat, plens de valors humans per a unes Bones Festes (sense oblidar, és clar, que es tracta d'un anunci nadalenc per a una empresa que ven productes de regal... per a les festes, pel que fa al cas).
"Els regals que no pots esperar a donar". Hi ha una cosa millor que esperar a rebre regals, i és saber que has trobat el regal perfecte per a algú a qui estimes.
"For gifts you can't wait to give". There is something even more wonderful than receiving the perfect gift, and that is knowing you have found the perfect gift for someone you love.
"Dóna una mica més d'amor aquests Nadals". El clip té el nom d'El Viatge, però el veritable motiu d'aquest viatge no se'ns desvetlla fins al final, al matí de Nadal.
Called 'The Journey', the motive for the snowman's journey isn't revealed until the last scene, when we see him return on Christmas morning.
"Hi havia una vegada un animal que no havia vist mai el Nadal". L'Ós és l'únic animal del bosc que no ha cel·lebrat mai el Nadal perquè ha d'hivernar cada any. Però aquest any, la Llebre té una idea millor.
"There once was an animal who had never seen Christmas". Set in a beautiful forest, poor Bear is the only animal that never gets to celebrate Christmas because he has to hibernate every year. However, this year is different. This year Hare has a brilliant idea.
Called 'The Journey', the motive for the snowman's journey isn't revealed until the last scene, when we see him return on Christmas morning.
"Hi havia una vegada un animal que no havia vist mai el Nadal". L'Ós és l'únic animal del bosc que no ha cel·lebrat mai el Nadal perquè ha d'hivernar cada any. Però aquest any, la Llebre té una idea millor.
"There once was an animal who had never seen Christmas". Set in a beautiful forest, poor Bear is the only animal that never gets to celebrate Christmas because he has to hibernate every year. However, this year is different. This year Hare has a brilliant idea.
"Concedeix a algú el Nadal que ha estat somiant!"
"Give someone the Christmas they've been dreaming of!"
"Give someone the Christmas they've been dreaming of!"
Nauttikaa! Gaudiu_Enjoy!
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