dimecres, 29 de gener del 2014

una MICA de TOT... i de RES

Hyvää keskiviikkoa (dimecres_wednesday) kaikille!
Ara feia temps que no publicàvem un post DIY... és a dir, manualitats. Avui farem un monstre de roba! There has been a long time since the last time we publish a DIY post! Today we will learn how to do a funny monster!

Material... Trossos de tela, buata, agulla i fil, feltre per als ulls i, potser, un parell de botons. What do you need? Pieces of fabric, wadding, needle and thread, felt to make the eyes, and maybe a couple of buttons.

Dedicat a la nostra nebodeta... perquè li encanten els monstres! To our little nephew because she likes very much monsters!

Nauttikaa! Gaudiu_Enjoy!

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