AVUI m'agrada... l'obra gràfica de l'artista i il·lustrador estonià Eiko Ojala, del que ja us n'havíem ensenyat treballs previs... aquí.
What today I like most is the graphic work of Estonian artist and illustrator Eiko Ojala, whose previous works you can also see in our blog... here.
The Estonian graphic designer and illustrator Eiko Ojala has continued his fantastic three dimensional drawings for leading publications around the world. His process involves a mix of digital illustration, paper textures, and a mix of both real and artificial shadows. Eiko won a 2013 Young Illustrators award and an ADC Young Gun award, and his work has appeared in Wired, the New York Times, the New Yorker, Dwell Magazine, ... _El dissenyador i il·lustrador estoni Eiko Ojala continua amb els seus dibuixos tridimensionals. Recorre a una barreja d'il·lustracions digitals, textures en paper i la combinació d'ombres reals i artificials. Va guanyar el Young Illustrators award al 2013, i també el ADC Young Gun award, i la seva obra ha aparegut en mitjans internacionals tan importants com Wired, el New Tork Times, el New Yorker, Dwell Magazine, entre d'altres.
Nauttikaa! Enjoy_Gaudiu!
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