AVUI m'agrada... el disseny dels vells i dels nous forns de pa... n'hi ha de Barcelona... i de Hèlsinki, és clar! (2a part)
What today I like most is the rise of the designer bakeries. There's one from Barcelona... and another one from Helsinki, of course! (chapter 2)
Kanniston Leipomo, Helsinki, Finland |
Bécasse Bakery, Sydney, Australia |
Panscape Bakery, Kyoto, Japan |
Komsufirin, Istanbul, Turkey |
Lagkagehuset Bakery, Copenhagen, Denmark |
Helsinki Bakery, Osaka, Japan Not just the name, but also the white and natural-wood design have direct connections to Finland. The store’s Japan-born designer Arihiro Miyake is based in Helsinki-Finland, and has studied in both Japan and Finland. _No només el nom, sinó també el disseny blanc i natural de la fusta tenen connexió directa amb Finlàndia. La botiga dissenyadar per Arihiro Miyake, nascut al Japó, amb estudi a Hèlsinki, ha estudiat al Japó i Finlàndia. |
Nauttikaa! Enjoy_Gaudiu!
MOI, MOI! Ja hyvää ruokahaluaa!
We have a wide variety of furniture choices from living room furniture, bedroom furniture, dining room furniture, to outdoor furniture. Feel free to mix and match as you wish in order to design your room the way you want it.