AVUI m'agrada... la caligrafia i la tipografia.
What today I like most is... handwriting and typography.
What today I like most is... handwriting and typography.
A few months ago appeared in the Finnish press that schools were thinking stop teaching handwriting and focus more on letter post writing, the one which is more recognizable nowadays in all electronic devices that everyone already uses. But ... why leave aside an ancient art like this? Luckily, there's always someone who has turned this art into his life passion! _Fa uns mesos va aparèixer la noticia a la premsa finlandesa que les escoles estaven pensant de deixar d'impartir la classe de caligrafia per a centrar-se més en la escriptura de pal, reconeixible en tots els dispositius electrònics que tothom ja utilitza. Però... per què abandonar un art mil·lenari com aquest? Hi ha qui n'ha fet la seva passió!
Nauttikaa! Enjoy_Gaudiu!
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