AHIR vaig anar a... veure l'obra de teatre El Crèdit, a la sala La Villarroel de Barcelona.
Yesterday we went to see role-play 'El Crèdit' (the Credit), La Villarroel theatre, Barcelona. 'In our civilized world, when someone needs money usually goes to a bank and asks for a credit. If that person doesn't get it then returns home, thinking that everything is really bad, that times have changed, that the credit is not flowing. But perhaps today, when you don't get the credit you'll look at the office manager's eyes and you will put the cards on the table and tell him/her who has the power now, and if they don't give you the money you'll take forceful and really powerful measures. Anything violent. But you'll surely use definitive actions that will turn other's life into a catastrophe'.
Yesterday we went to see role-play 'El Crèdit' (the Credit), La Villarroel theatre, Barcelona. 'In our civilized world, when someone needs money usually goes to a bank and asks for a credit. If that person doesn't get it then returns home, thinking that everything is really bad, that times have changed, that the credit is not flowing. But perhaps today, when you don't get the credit you'll look at the office manager's eyes and you will put the cards on the table and tell him/her who has the power now, and if they don't give you the money you'll take forceful and really powerful measures. Anything violent. But you'll surely use definitive actions that will turn other's life into a catastrophe'.
La supervivència és l'estratègia de vida de qualsevol ésser viu. Quan veiem atacades les nostres possibilitats en aquest món, despleguem tot un seguit de mecanismes de defensa per a intentar no arribar a aquest final fatal. En El Crèdit, la desesperació i la fragilitat de les relacions humanes juguen el paper clau de l'obra, i l'economia i la crisi en són les eines per a explicar-les. Survival is the strategy of any living creature. When we get attacked our chances in this world, we deploy a serie of defense mechanisms to try to not get this fatal end. In this roleplay, desperation and fragility of human relationships play a key role in the work, and the economy and crisis are the tools to explain them.
src La Villarroel
L'obra de Jordi Galceran (El Mètode Grönholm), i la direcció de Sergi Belbel, posen en escena a dos grans del teatre català... Jordi Boixaderas i Jordi Bosch que, dins del marc de la desesperació d'ambdós per a retenir allò que els imprescindible per a viure, però a la vegada és el seu taló d'Aquil·les, ens mantenen un somriure als llavis durant una agradable hora i mitja.
src La Villarroel
Llàstima que haguèm trigat tant en anar-hi per a parlar-vos-en, però encara teniu fins al 20 d'abril per anar a veure-la i a gaudir-la!
Nauttikaa! Gaudiu_Enjoy!
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