Anirem de viatge amb la companyia aèria finlandesa Finnair perquè, com dèiem ahir, avui fa 50 anys que aquesta empresa va realitzar el primer vol entre Hèlsinki i Barcelona.
Friday again, and time for journeys. We will travel with Finnish airline Finnair because, as we said yesterday, they are celebrating today the 50th anniversary of the first flight between Helsinki and Barcelona.
Friday again, and time for journeys. We will travel with Finnish airline Finnair because, as we said yesterday, they are celebrating today the 50th anniversary of the first flight between Helsinki and Barcelona.
src Finnair Gallery
Finnair és la cinquena companyia aèria més antiga del món sense interrupcions en la seva existència. Va nèixer l'any 1923 de la mà de Bruno Lucander amb el nom d'Aero O/Y. El 20 de març de 1924 un hidroavió Junkers F13 D-335 s'enlairava de la ciutat d'Hèlsinki amb destinació Tallin, Estònia, transportant 152 quilos de correu.
Finnair is the fifth oldest airline in the world with uninterrupted existence. In 1923, Bruno Lucander founded Finnair as Aero O/Y (Aero Ltd). The first flight was on 20 March 1924 from Helsinki to Tallinn, Estonia, on a Junkers F13 D-335 aircraft equipped with floats and loaded with 152kg of mail.
src Finnair Gallery
90 anys després encara manté aquesta ruta, però ja arriba a més de 60 destins arreu del món i transporta més de 9 mil·lions de passatgers l'any. Quan l'any 1964 Finnair va adquirir els nous avions tipus SudSE.210 Caravelle 1083 (SuperCaravelle) Barcelona va començar a formar part de les seves noves rutes europees. Era l'inici de les primeres rutes regulars entre Finlàndia i el nostre país.
90 years later Finnair still maintains this route, but now flies to more than 60 destinations around the world and carries more than 9 thousand million passengers a year. When in 1964 Finnair acquired the new aircraft type SudSE.210 Caravelle 1083 (SuperCaravelle) Barcelona became one of their new European routes. It was the beginning of the first regular routes between Finland and Spain.
Actualment el vol entre Barcelona i Hèlsinki dura poc més de 3h30min. Però aleshores es tractava d'un veritable safari aeri, com els agrada qualificar-ho als representants de Finnair a Barcelona, perquè abans d'aterrar a la Ciutat Comtal feia escala a Luxemburg, i el destí final era Màlaga (perquè els finlandesos tenen predilecció per la Costa del Sol). I, a la inversa, des de Barcelona s'havia de passar per Màlaga i fer una nova ruta d'escales fins a Hèlsinki. Avui, per a l'estiu de 2014, hi ha 11 vols programats a la setmana entre la capital catalana i la capital finlandesa.
Flight between Barcelona and Helsinki takes now no more than 3h30min. But in 1964 it was a real 'air safari', as Finnair representatives in Barcelona like to call, because before landing in Barcelona the aircraft use to made a stopover in Luxembourg, and the final destination wasn't Barcelona but Malaga (because Finns like very much Costa del Sol). And it wasn't the end, because between Barcelona and Helsinki there were still some other stopovers. Now, in summer 2014, there will be 11 scheduled flights per week between the Catalan capital and the Finnish capital.
Uniformes de la companyia l'any 1969_Finnair uniforms in 1969
src Finnair Gallery
Onnea ja hyvää matkaa!
Nauttikaa! Gaudiu_Enjoy!
MOI, MOI! Ja ihanaa viikonloppua!
Very interesting! I didn't know, my parents made the first conducted tour to Torremolinos (Malaga) in 1966! I was 18 years old. It was wonderful, April-May two weeks. Torremolinos was a little fishing village. No Barbarella :D
ResponEliminaI'm sure it was a very different 'village' then! It changed a lot after what we called 'destape' era... with those (supposed to be funnies at that time of 60's and early 70's) movies of spanish actor Alfredo Landa (and others) about the arrival to Spain of the 'suecas' (swedish women and so)!
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