AVUI m'agrada... el gelat!
What today I like most are... icecreams!
What today I like most are... icecreams!
According to the prestigious Catalan chef Jordi Roca, of El Celler de Can Roca restaurant, there are at least twelve places in the world where you can taste of what he considers the best icecreams among the best (part 2). _Segons el prestigiós cuiner català Jordi Roca, del restaurant el Celler de Can Roca, com a mínim hi ha dotze llocs al món on poder degustar dels que ell considera el millors gelats d'entre els millors (2a part).

Chin Chin Labs, London

Gion Tsujiri, Tokio

La Gelateria Della Musica, Milano

Santini, Lisboa

Smitten, San Francisco

Gelaaati Di Marco, Barcelona
Nauttikaa! Enjoy_gaudiu!
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