Hyvää iltaa kaikille!
Avui la meteorologia s'ha portat millor amb nosaltres. Hem tingut sol... fins i tot una mica de calor al migdia. Tot i que a mitja tarda ens ha enganxat un bon ruixat!
Les visites del dia han començat a la Kalevan Kirkko, una església luterana monumentalment gran, construïda entre 1964 i 1966 pels arquitectes finlandesos Reima i Raili Pietilä.
The weather has been very good! Even quite warm at noon. Although, in the afternoon a quick but huge storm left us soaked!
Visits have started at Kalevan Kirkko, a monumentally large Lutheran church, built between 1964 and 1966 by Finnish architects Reima and Raili Pietilä.
The weather has been very good! Even quite warm at noon. Although, in the afternoon a quick but huge storm left us soaked!
Visits have started at Kalevan Kirkko, a monumentally large Lutheran church, built between 1964 and 1966 by Finnish architects Reima and Raili Pietilä.
L'interior de l'església supera totes les expectatives generades a l'exterior, on la sobrietat luterana sumada a la pròpia del disseny finès, adquireixen una nova dimensió... ciment, vidre i fusta combinen aquí a la perfecció sense desmerèixer l'espiritualitat que requereix un espai com aquest.
The interior of the church exceeds all expectations from outside, where Lutheran sobriety, plus that of the Finnish design, acquire a new dimension ... cement, glass and wood combine perfectly here without diminishing spirituality that requires a space like this.
De camí a Laukontori, una petita plaça tocant al llac Pyhäjarvi (al sud de la ciutat) on cada dia de l'any s'hi instal.la el mercat, hem passat pel Tampere Talo, que és la seu de l'Orquestra Filarmònica de la ciutat, per la Universitat de Tampere i l'església ortodoxa de Tampere.
The way to Laukontori, a small square near Pyhäjärvi Lake (south of the city) where every day of the year it is set a market, from Kallevan Kirkko leads us to Tampere Talo, which is the headquarters of the City Philharmonic Orchestra, the University of Tampere and the Tampere orthodox church.
The way to Laukontori, a small square near Pyhäjärvi Lake (south of the city) where every day of the year it is set a market, from Kallevan Kirkko leads us to Tampere Talo, which is the headquarters of the City Philharmonic Orchestra, the University of Tampere and the Tampere orthodox church.
Ja és l'hora de dinar. Al migdia hem anat a menjar a Kaupahalli, l'antic mercat de la ciutat que s'ha convertit en un molt bon lloc per anar a degustar-hi els productes típics de Finlàndia en algun dels seus múltiples petits restaurantets.
Lunchtime. At noon we went to eat at Kaupahalli, the town old market which has become a great place to go to taste real finnish food in any of its many small restaurants.
Per fer baixar el dinar, hem fet una passejadeta a la tarda de camí al parc de Pyynikki, passant pel rovell de l'ou de la ciutat on hi ha l'ajuntament i una bella vella (construida per Carlos Bassi al 1824) església luterana de fusta a Keskustori.
Abans d'arribar al capdamunt de Pyynikki hem entrat a veure la Kaupunginkirjasto Metso, una impactant biblioteca pel seu disseny exterior i interior, construïda per Reima Pietilä al 1986, el mateix arquitecte de la Kalevan Kirkko, de la que ja us n'hem parlat abans, feta de granit, coure i pi.
Before reaching the top of Pyynikki park we have entered Kaupunginkirjasto, a striking building built by Reima Pietilä 1986, the same architect of Kalevan Kirkko made of granite, copper and pine.
Tot sovint, el destí d'una visita concreta acaba sent el menjar. En aquest cas, ens havien recomanat que, sota cap concepte, deixéssim de provar els munkkeja, o donuts, del café que es troba als peus de Pyynikin Näkötorni, una torre de guaita de principis del segle passat, des de la que es gaudeix d'unes espectaculars vistes de la ciutat i dels seus voltants, com els llacs Näsijärvi i Pyhäjarvi al nord i al sud de Tampere. Realment no ens han decebut en absolut.
Often, the destiniy of a particular visit ends up at someplace with food. In that case, we had been recommended that, in any way, we had to try munkkeja, finnish donuts, at the coffee that is in Pyynikin Näkötorni, a watchtower from the beginning of the last century, where one can enjoy the spectacular views of the city and its surrounding area, including lakes Näsijärvi and Pyhäjärvi. We do not disappointed at all!
Often, the destiniy of a particular visit ends up at someplace with food. In that case, we had been recommended that, in any way, we had to try munkkeja, finnish donuts, at the coffee that is in Pyynikin Näkötorni, a watchtower from the beginning of the last century, where one can enjoy the spectacular views of the city and its surrounding area, including lakes Näsijärvi and Pyhäjärvi. We do not disappointed at all!
Pyynikki és un turò boscòs de 152m situat al sudoest de la ciutat, amb una frondosa vegetació de pins roig, als peus de la qual s'hi conserven encara diverses cases antigues de fusta.
Pyynikki is a hill forests located 152m southwest of the city, with lush vegetation at the foot of which they still retain many old wooden houses.
Pyynikki is a hill forests located 152m southwest of the city, with lush vegetation at the foot of which they still retain many old wooden houses.
Finalment... la pluja, que, ben bé durant una hora, ens ha obligat a aixoplugar-nos en un dels edificis més nous de la ciutat, Tipotien Sosiaali- ja Tervysasema (centre d'assistència social de Tipotie), tot ell de coure i vidre.
Finally... the rain has forced us to take shelter in one of the newest buildings of the city, Sosiaali-Tervysasema (Tipotie social assistance center), copper and glass all over him.
Finally... the rain has forced us to take shelter in one of the newest buildings of the city, Sosiaali-Tervysasema (Tipotie social assistance center), copper and glass all over him.
Però la pluja ha passat i el dia ens ha regalat una posta de sol com aquesta...
But the rain has passed and the day has given us a sunset like this...
Nauttikaa! Gaudiu_Enjoy!
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