dilluns, 22 de desembre del 2014

una MICA de TOT... i de RES

Hyvää maanantaita (monday_dilluns) kaikille!
Because we're already so close to Christmas... we thought it was not necessary to speak of things too serious. So today we bring you a certainly curious idea which is washing your jeans putting them inside the freezer! _Com que ja som a tocar de les festes de Nadal... hem pensat que no calia parlar de coses massa serioses. Així doncs, avui us portem un tema certament curiós... Es tracta de rentar els texans posant-los al congelador!

I recently bought my first pair of "serious" jeans. The reason I know this is because as I was standing at the register about to pay A LOT of money for them, (...) a dude who was standing next to me at the register said "Don't wash them." "Don't wash them?" I asked, thinking he was joking. "Nope." he said. "Oh, you mean I should only dry clean them?" I tried again. "Nope." he repeated. "Never wash them. You'll ruin them." The woman behind the register piped up and explained that they only "get really good" when they're not washed. She said, you can wash them in cold water inside out. "But I freeze mine when they start to feel dirty." I was fascinated by the notion that freezing a piece of clothing might somehow "clean" it, or at least simulate the cleaning process. _Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan, CEO i fundador d'Apartment Therapy Media Group (una de les web que seguim i d'on, a vegades, en treiem idees curioses com aquesta), ens explica que una vegada que va anar a comprar-se uns texans,  la dependenta de la botiga li va dir que no els rentés sota cap concepte, si més no, amb aigua que no fos realment freda... i del revés (això ja ho fem sempre nosaltres). Però que, a més, ella li recomanava rentar-los, per dir-ho d'alguna manera, posant-los al congelador!

Treu-li les partícules de brutícia més grans, i plega'l (remove any large particles of dirt and fold). Posa'ls dins d'una bossa de plàstic... (place it inside a plastic bag). ...I al congelador (insert it in the freezer). Treu-los al cap de 5 o 7 dies (remove after 5 to 7 days).

No rush, then! Have any other one for change while the first one keeps some more days in the freezer...! What do you think? Do you think freezing can actually kill the germs of very used trousers, as usually are jeans? _No tingueu pressa, doncs! I tingueu-ne de rencanvi, perquè tants dies al congelador sense poder posar-te'ls...! Què en penseu? Creieu que la congelació pot arribar a matar realment els gèrmens d'uns pantalons... ben usats, com a més, són normalment els texans?


Text i imatges... Apartment Therapy

Nauttikaa! Gaudiu_Enjoy!

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