Hyvää maanantaita (monday_dilluns) kaikille!
Following a year-long renovation, earlier this month Helsinki’s landmark Old Market (Vanha Kauppahalli) finally reopened its doors determined to maintain its reputation as one of the city’s best eating and food-shopping destinations. A new addition to the historical building located on the Finnish capital’s waterfront is Story, an all-day restaurant/café. _Després d'un any de restauració, l'Antic Mercat d'Hèlsinki (Vanha Kauppahalli), al port, ha tornat a obrir portes plè de ganes de convertir-se en una de les destinacions clau a la ciutat pel que fa a gastronomia i venta de productes frescos finlandesos.
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src Yatzer via Joanna Laajisto photo by Mikko Ryhänen |
Housed right in the middle of the building, the restaurant which is a joint collaboration of four of the country’s foremost restaurateurs -Anders Westerholm, Matti Sarkkinen, Teemu Aura and Markus Hurskainen, offers a selection of home-style dishes that use the freshest of ingredients sourced from inside the market hall itself and the Market Square just outside. _La cafeteria_restaurant que s'hi ha instal·lat, Story, és fruit d'una col·laboració conjunta de quatres restauradors importants de Finlàndia... Anders Westerholm, Matti Sarkkinen, Teemu Aura i Markus Hurskainen. La carta ofereix una selecció de plats casolans fets a partirs de productes frescos i ingredients que provenen de les botigues de mateix mercat i de Kauppatori (el mercat del port)... cuina de mercat, en definitiva.
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src Yatzer via Joanna Laajisto photo by Mikko Ryhänen |
The interior designed by the creative studio of Joanna Laajisto, is a simple yet welcoming space that also cleverly incorporates elements from the history of the 1889 market building. Using a palette of natural materials such as ash, leather and stone, as well as an interesting use of colour, comfortable booths, situated next to the windows, offer views of Helsinki harbour. More modern details have also been incorporated, seen for example in the sizeable counter covered with a herringbone pattern in stone and the angular lighting fixtures and all the tables have been produced by Helsinki-based artisan Tebian. _El disseny i interiorisme del restaurant Story ha estat en mans de l'estudi de la reputada decoradora finlandesa Joanna Laajisto. És un espai senzill i acollidor gràcies a la varietat de materials emprats (el color cendra, el cuir, la pedra, ...) que incorpora, d'una banda, elements propis de la construcció històrica d'aquest mercat de 1889, i de detalls moderns com la coberta amb un disseny en espiga i la il·luminació, i les taules dissenyades artseanament per Tebian.
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src Yatzer via Joanna Laajisto photo by Mikko Ryhänen |
Next time we travel to Helsinki, we'll have to go and enjoy with its delights! _La propera vegada que anem a Hèlsinki l'haurem de provar!
Nauttikaa! Enjoy_Gaudiu!
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