Hyvää perjantaita (friday_divendres) kaikille!
A few days ago we talk about a 'poshtel' in Tampere, Finland, here. And we told you that we would explain later what a 'poshtel' is. Well... 'poshtel' is the abbreviation for 'posh hostel'... an elegant hostel. This term is used to define those hostels that mix, in its conception, luxury and affordable, in price as well as and the basic necessities of any travelling citizen: free Wi-Fi, modern design and of course, en-suite facilities. Here are the ten best 'poshtels' that Trivago has chosen in Europe. There's one in Barcelona, and, as mentioned before, also in Tampere, Finland. _Fa uns dies us van parlar d'un poshtel a Tampere, Finlàndia, aquí. I us vam dir que més endavant us explicaríem què és un poshtel. Doncs bé... poshtel és l'abreviació de posh hostel... hostal elegant. Aquest terme s'utilitza per a definir aquells albergs que barregen, en la seva concepció, luxe en l'espai i assequibilitat en el preu, així com totes les necessitats d'un viatger d'avui dia... wi-fi, disseny actual i bany a l'habitació. Aquests són els deu millors poshtels que Trivago ha triat a Europa. Entre ells n'hi ha un a Barcelona, i un altre, com deiem, a Tampere, Finlàndia.
Casa Gracia, Barcelona, Spain
Clink78, London, United Kingdom
Dream Hostel, Tampere, Finland
Gallery Hostel, Porto, Portugal
Generator, Dublin, Ireland
Kex, Reykjavik, Iceland
Maverick Hostel, Budapest, Hungary
ONE80°, Berlin, Germany
Palmers Lodge Swiss Cottage, London, United Kingdom
U Hostel, Madrid, Spain
info src the independent
Nauttikaa! Enjoy_gaudiu!
MOI, MOI! Ja ihanaa viikonloppua!
Hello, good afternoon.
ResponEliminaFirst, congratulations from the Maverick team for your website and this article. Also tell you that we have updated our website and have changed the Urls.
Because of this, you have a broken link in this article. Broken links damage the positioning of your website. If you would be so kind as to exchange it for the current Url the whole Maverick team would be very grateful.
The new URL for Maverick Lodges is https://mavericklodges.com/en/hostel-budapest
Thank you very much and greetings.