AVUI m'agrada... viatjar en un autobús escolar reconvertit.
What today I like most is... travelling in a full redesigned yellow school bus.
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src yatzer (photo © Justin Evidon) via hank bought a bus |
De quantes maneres podem viatjar? Una d'elles, si es planifica bé, pot ser sorprenent, i permet un major control de l'experiència del descobriment del viatge. Per carretera. I de quantes maneres podem viatjar per carretera? Doncs, una d'elles, podria ser en un vell autocar escolar... d'aquells grocs que veiem a les pel·lícules americanes... reconvertit completament per a poder-hi viure, menjar i dormir, ... amb totes les comoditats... simples, però suficients i ben organitzades. How many ways can you travel? One of them, if well planned, might be surprising because allows greater control of the experience of traveling and discovering. I'm thinking of a road trip. And how many ways can you travel by road? Well, one of them might be in an old school bus ... those yellow buses we see in American movies ... converted completely to be able to live, eat and sleep ... with all necessary amenities ... simple amenities, but adequate if well-organized.
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src yatzer (photo © Justin Evidon) via hank bought a bus |
Així ho va pensar Hank Bauttia, arquitecte llicenciat per la Universitat de Minnesota (EEUU), quan va dissenyar aquest espai, que va voler presentar a escala real com a projecte real de final de carrera. Hank Butitta, a graduate student at the School of Architecture at the University of Minnesota, wanted to design and build at full scale for his graduation project.
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src yatzer (photo © Justin Evidon) via hank bought a bus |
Com que l'autobús és estret però llarg, Hank va optar per deixar un passadís central com a arteria principal al voltant de la qual s'hi organitzaria la resta d'elements necessaris. Tot allò que es construís havia d'estar al serveix de l'espai disponible. La cuina i el bany es van instal·lar junts (perquè poden compartir tuberies) al final de l'autobús. A més va decidir no tapar cap finestra, per tal d'aprofitar el màxim de llum natural possible. La resta d'elements (seients, llits, espais per a l'emmagatzematge, ...) es van construir en una sola unitat al voltant. As the bus itself was narrow but long in length, Hank opted to leave one long circulation passage and allow that to be the artery from which everything else would be organized around. Since noise, future plumbing and activity happens mostly in the kitchen and restroom, Hank moved them towards the back and kept them adjacent to each other. Another important facet was the use of natural lighting. Since the bus already possessed its default windows, Hank decided to make them a feature and leave all of them exposed to allow as much natural light in as possible. Through the use of materials that are both honest and practical, Hank successfully built in seating, sleeping, working surfaces and storage into one system that was at once flexible and usable.
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src yatzer (photo © Justin Evidon) via hank bought a bus |
Aquest projecte ha servit per a demostrar que el resultat de la planificació i construcció a escala natural d'una petita estructura amb tot detall pot arribar a ser més efectiva que no un proyecte ben complex no comprensible a nivell teòric. Penso que, en arquitectura, hem de fer més! Han Butitta
''This project was a way to show how building a small structure with simple detailing can be more valuable than drawing a complex project that is theoretical and poorly understood. I think we need more making in architecture!''. Hank Butitta
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src yatzer (photo © Justin Evidon) via hank bought a bus |
Nauttikaa! Gaudiu_Enjoy!
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