dijous, 16 d’octubre del 2014

AVUI m'agrada...

AVUI m'agrada... el curt FAWNS (cervatells), del director grec Thanasis Tsimpinis.
What today I like most is the short film FAWNS by greek director Thanasis Tsimpinis.

src Yatzer

This short film was premiered at the 20th Athens International Film Festival in Greece during which the film's director of photography won an award for best cinematography. Completely shot in black and white, in short, FAWNS tells a story of love between two men. It is more than a homosexual love story however. But actually he was making a film about love in general. _Aquest curt, la direcció de fotografia del qual va ser premiat al 20th Athens International Film Festival, en blanc i negre, narra una història d'amor entre dos homes. Però és una història pensada, ben bé, per a aplicar-se a qualsevol forma de relació personal. És una pel·lícula sobre l'amor en general.

After researching into deer and the myths and stories that surround them, he finally came up with the script for FAWNS, which is based on a certain behaviour that wild deer display, albeit conveyed as an allegory for human relationships: Sometimes in order to protect the ones we love, we have to let them go... _FAWNS s'inspira en una de les característiques del comportament dels cèrvols salvatges que el director aplica a les relacions humanes i que ve a dir que, a vegades, per a protegir aquells a qui estimem, els hem de deixar marxar.

Nauttikaa! Enjoy_Gaudiu!

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