AVUI m'agrada... aquest apartament del carrer Avinyó de Barcelona.
What today I like most... is this refurbished apartment in Barcelona.
What today I like most... is this refurbished apartment in Barcelona.
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src David Kohn Architects |
L'estudi d'arquitectura anglès David Kohn Architects va guanyar, a principis d'aquest mes d'octubre, el premi al millor disseny d'interiors 2013 a l'INSIDE: World Festival of Interiors, en una gala celebrada al Marina Bay Sands Hotel de Singapur, en competència amb 55 altres projectes, per la reforma i remodelació d'un apartament al carrer Avinyó de Barcelona. “We are absolutely delighted to have won the award,” diu Kohn. “The
project demonstrates how an interior can be about the city in which it
is situated— an homage to Barcelona.”
Carrer Avinyó és un apartament del barri gòtic de Barcelona, prop de la Plaça George Orwell. Carrer Avinyó is a piano nobile apartment in the Gothic
Quarter of Barcelona. The apartment is situated on the corner of a
significant local crossroads. The apartment
building has a distinctive triangular form that is echoed in the
adjacent public space, Plaça George Orwell.
Una de les primeres coses que es van fer, va ser retirar tots els embans que dividien l'espai per a crear una àmplia sala. Aquest apartament és un espai de vacances per a dos germans que ja havien viscut a la ciutat de Barcelona, per això, la seva filosofia rau en la búsqueda d'harmonia amb l'entorn medieval del barri. A primary design move in the
apartment’s refurbishment was to take advantage of this special
situation by removing all of the interior cross walls to create one
large corner room. The apartment will be the holiday home of two brothers who grew up in
Les habitacions, tres en total (més un bany) s'han insertat en peces individuals, com si fossin petits apartaments. La passarel·la-llibreria comunica les habitacions amb el bany. La taula de menjador s'ha dissenyat especialment per a encabir-se en el racó cantoner. Bedrooms were created inside large pieces of furniture that have the
appearance of small buildings – the city beyond the apartment walls is
mirrored by a diminutive city within. The high-level library becomes
balconies that connect each bedroom to their en-suite bathrooms. A
large, specially-designed dining table stands at the street corner where
the red and green tiles mix as an invitation for gatherings of friends
and family.
El terra està decorat amb rajoles hidràuliques que dibuixen un gradient completament integrat amb la forma triangular de l'apartament, i dissenyades expressament per al projecte per la mateixa empresa que subministrava rajoles a en Gaudí (Mosaics Martí). The new mosaic floor of the apartment is decorated with a
triangular pattern that matches the geometry of the plan (the tile
pattern is graded in colour from green at one end of the apartment to
red at the other to differentiate the brothers' private spaces). The
encaustic tiles were manufactured by Mosaics Martí, suppliers of tiles
to Antoni Gaudí.
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src the editor at large |
Nauttikaa! Gaudiu_Enjoy!
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