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Banksy (Bristol, Regne Unit, 1975) és un artista del carrer conegut a nivell mundial. Els seus grafits fets amb trepa (tècnica coneguda com pochoir) són molt coneguts a Londres, encara que ha fet algunes obres a d'altres ciutats com Los Angeles. S'esforça per mantenir el seu nom ocult, i els seus llibres els publica com a Robin Banksy. La premsa suposa que el seu nom real és semblant, però podria tractar-se d'una broma per la seva similitud amb l'expressió robing banks (robant bancs). Banksy is a pseudonymous England-based graffiti artist, political activist, film director, and painter. His satirical street art and subversive epigrams combine dark humour with graffiti done in a distinctive stencilling technique. Such artistic works of political and social commentary have been featured on streets, walls, and bridges of cities throughout the world.
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photo Adrian Pingstone |
Recentment Banksy ha estat notícia per haver posat a la venta al carrer (sempre de forma anònima), sense cap mena d'anunci a la premsa o a la seva web, originals firmats de la seva obra a 60$ cada peça (quan al mercat de l'art valdrien centenars de milers de dòlars), i només haver-ne venut vuit a tres persones.
For his 13th day in New York, Banksy set up an unannounced art stall with dozens of 100% original signed canvases. In a world where copies of unlicensed Banksy works are available for a dime a dozen, it’s not inconceivable for somebody to peddle cheap knockoffs for $60 apiece. To further camouflage the artwork the booth was labeled simply “SPRAY ART” and manned by an unsuspecting old man who seemed completely uninterested in what he was doing. So after having the art stall open for an entire day in Central Park, with an inventory that could have value into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, how many people stopped to buy something? Over a period of 7 hours just three people bought a total of 8 canvases, one of whom managed to haggled the price down 50%! Total haul for the day: $480. One lucky man who said he was decorating his new house in Chicago just won the lottery and unknowingly walked away with four original Banksys (src this is colossal).
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src this is colossal |
Però avui us volem mostrar una actuació del polèmic artista pels carrers del barri de Meatpacking District (on hi havia els antics escorxadors) de NY... del que no cal més detalls! Cadascú que en tregui les seves pròpies conclusions. We would like to show you a performance in NY Meatpacking District by this controversial artist ... we think that further details are not needed! Everyone can make up their own conclusions!
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